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HIFU is High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
The HIFU System is designed for anti-aging, face lifting, body contouring and sculpting without surgery, bleeding or scarring. HIFU technology is NOT like Laser, Fraxel, radio frequency, IPL, needling, or any other surgical, or non-surgical, ‘face lift’ skin rejuvenation procedure.
HIFU is the next generation in advanced facial rejuvenation with deeper penetration, visible longer lasting results … AND most importantly, NO damage to the skin surface.
What is HIFU and how does it work?
Ultrasound is an oscillating sound pressure wave, created by a very rapid vibration, with a frequency greater than the upper limit of the human hearing range. Ultrasound is used in many different fields, having different effects – in the area of surgery, and now skin lifting, the thermal effect of Ultrasound is the key … when focused, the high intensity vibrational energy of the Ultrasonic wave is turned to heat; this is the principle of HIFU.
The HIFU beams through the surface of the skin to deliver precise and fractional ultrasound energy to the deeper dermis, subcutaneous tissue and muscle layers. this deeper layer is responsible for muscular activity in the face. This energy stimulates both muscle firming and new collagen production, with no disruption to the outer skin surface (no scarring).
HIFU applications
HIFU key client benefits
Above: Before and after 1 treatment. For more information regarding
HIFU body sculpting is a non-invasive treatment for removing stubborn body fat, skin toning and tightening. HIFU Body treatments are the latest in non-invasive technology to target specific areas of fat in the quickest way possible.
Only one treatment is required to achieve the results and there is no downtime.
HIFU body sculpting is a non-invasive treatment for removing stubborn body fat, skin toning and tightening. HIFU Body treatments are the latest in non-invasive technology to target specific areas of fat in the quickest way possible. Only one treatment is required to achieve the results and there is no downtime. HIFU offers a real natural alternative to lip-suction or surgery.
In a Body Sculpting treatment the HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) penetrates through the surface of the skin to deliver the precise and fractional focused ultrasound energy into the subcutaneous fat layer (@ 6.0 & 8.0mm – underarm / back areas and 13.0 & 16.0 mm for the abdomen, buttocks, thigh areas), and at the right temperature (60~70°C), without damaging or disrupting the epidermal tissue (surface) of the skin.
Body areas treatable with our HIFU technology include the: abdomen, arms, bra fat, flanks, buttocks, décolletage inner thighs and outer thighs. When your weight is stable, and you want to remove that stubborn body fat, this could be the ideal treatment for you. HIFU is not used for weight loss and the best results are achieved when your body weight is stable, and you have a healthy lifestyle.
What results can I expect to see?
HIFU Body treatment destroys fat cells in the area treated being treated thus reducing the visible size of the targeted area. Some results may be seen in around 1-2 weeks after treatment, however, significant results are usually seen after 4 to 6 weeks as the ablated contents of the fat cells are gradually flushed away via the normal blood circulation and lymphatic systems. Further the process of collagen and elastin synthesis, improving skin elasticity, tone and texture, continues for up to 3 months – on this basis it is recommended that follow up treatments, if required, are performed at least 3 months after the initial treatment. Like HIFU facial uplift, HIFU Body Sculpting is very effective for lifting and tightening the skin.
How long do the results of HIFU last?
HIFU results are permanent and will continue to improve gradually for up to 3 months following the treatment. As with any age defying treatment your skin will naturally continue to age but HIFU can give you fresher, younger looking skin for approximately 12 to 24 months after your treatment.
Contra indications
People who have open lesions or wounds, cystic acne, existing keloid scarring, mechanical or dermal implants, implanted electrical devices or metal implants in the face or treated area, pregnancy or breastfeeding, should not proceed with HIFU.
How safe is HIFU?
HIFU uses the safe, time-tested ultrasound, which has been effective in clinical studies and over 350,000 patient treatments worldwide. Ultrasound has been used safely in the medical field for over 50 years. HIFU is one of the few treatments safe for all skin types, as it uses ultrasound and bypasses the upper layers of skin where the pigment cells are located.
Are there any side effects from HIFU?
HIFU may cause a slight redness to the skin, but this usually disappears within a matter of hours after the treatment. Some people may also suffer from a slight swelling, bruising, tenderness, numbness or tingling sensation. These symptoms are usually mild and only last temporarily.As with any medical procedure, there is the possibility for other rare effects.
How painful is HIFU?
HIFU may cause some discomfort. Comfort levels can vary from person to person, but the sensation only lasts while the energy is being delivered.
During the treatment delivery, you will feel tiny amounts of energy being deposited to precise depths, indicating that the collagen-building process has been initiated.
After Your Treatment
There is no downtime! You can return to your normal activities immediately after your procedure without any post-treatment restrictions or requirements. Your skin might appear flushed at first, but the redness should disappear within a few hours.
Treatment Area | Time | Cost |
Abdomen Area | 2.5 hrs | $1500 |
Arms | 1 hr | $800 |
Bra Flanks | 1 hr | $800 |
Flank areas | 1 hr | $800 |
Décolletage | 40 mins | $500 |
Inner thighs | 45 mins | $800 |
Outer thighs | 45 mins | $800 |
Buttocks | 1-2 hrs | from $800 – $1600 |
2nd treatment, if required | within 6- 10 months after initial treatment | Discounted by 20% |
We offer you a FREE, no obligation consultation to assess your individual needs ensuring we offer the best treatment to achieve the best results. Our mission is to give you the information required for you to make an educated decision about your treatment. Treatments will only be performed after a consultation.
The closest technology available to a true surgical face-lift
A REAL alternative to needles and surgery
No damage to the skin surface = no down-time
HIFU technology is not like lasers, radio frequency, surgery and other technologies. It is non-surgical.
What is HIFU?
HIFU technology is not like lasers, radio frequency, surgery and other technologies. It is non-surgical. The HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) beams through the surface of the skin to deliver precise and fractional ultrasound energy at the right depths (i.e., 3.0mm/4.5mm) to the SMAS layer without damage or disrupting the epidermal tissue of the skin. This energy stimulates both muscle firming and new collagen production, with no disruption to the outer skin surface (no scarring). It is especially suitable for treating sagging skin with reasonable thickness as well.
HIFU Facelift
HIFU Treatment (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is a breakthrough, non-invasive, non-surgical, no downtime, in-office procedure for lifting and tightening sagging skin of the brows, cheeks, lower face (jowls), jawline and neck. Ultrasound technology is focused below the skin surface to firm and lift droopy tissues.
It works deep below the surface to stimulate the growth of collagen “without harming the outer layer of skin”. This results in long-lasting firming, tightening and lifting of the skin, giving you a more youthful appearance after just one treatment. While HIFU is not a replacement for a surgical face lift, there are many people who want some lifting but are not ready for surgery. There are also younger people who are looking to prolong the effects of plastic surgery.
How long do the results of HIFU last?
HIFU results are permanent and will continue improving gradually for up to six months following the treatment. You will not be frozen in time. After six months, as with any age defying treatment, your skin will naturally continue to age but HIFU can give you fresher, younger looking skin for approximately 12 to 24 months after your treatment. Follow up treatments can assist with the ageing process, which varies from person to person, but are recommended every 12 to 24 months to maintain results.
Fractional RF is also very effective at protecting and maintaining your HIFU results. RF treatment can be done one month after the HIFU treatment.
Contra indications
People who have open lesions or wounds, cystic acne, existing keloid scarring, mechanical or dermal implants, implanted electrical devices or metal implants in the face or treated area, pregnancy or breastfeeding, should not proceed with HIFU.
How safe is HIFU?
HIFU uses the safe, time-tested ultrasound, which has been effective in clinical studies and over 350,000 patient treatments worldwide. Ultrasound has been used safely in the medical field for over 50 years. HIFU is one of the few treatments safe for all skin types, as it uses ultrasound and bypasses the upper layers of skin where the pigment cells are located.
Are there any side effects from HIFU?
HIFU may cause a slight redness to the skin, but this usually disappears within a matter of hours after the treatment. Face can feel like it has had a workout for several weeks afterwards. Makeup application after the treatment can be made to mask any mild redness that may have occurred. Some people may also suffer from a slight swelling, tenderness, numbness or tingling sensation. These symptoms are usually mild and only last temporarily.
How painful is HIFU?
HIFU may cause some discomfort. Comfort levels can vary from person to person, but the sensation only lasts while the energy is being delivered.
During the treatment delivery, you will feel tiny amounts of energy being deposited to precise depths, indicating that the collagen-building process has been initiated.
After Your Treatment
There is no downtime! You can return to your normal activities immediately after your procedure without any post-treatment restrictions or requirements. Your skin might appear flushed at first, but the redness should disappear within a few hours.
Other, less common post-procedural effects may include temporary bruising or numbness on small areas of skin. As with any medical procedure, there is the possibility for other rare effects.
THROAT NECK | ¾ HOUR | $790 |
CHIN/JAWLINE | ½ HOUR | $490 |
CHEEKS | ¾ HOUR | $790 |
FULL FACE | 2 Hours | $2490 (save $370) |
2nd Treatment full face | If required to maximize results 8-12 months after initial treatment | $1990 (save $870) |
We offer you a FREE, no obligation consultation to assess your individual needs ensuring we offer the best treatment to achieve the best results. Our mission is to give you the information required for you to make an educated decision about your treatment. Treatments will only be performed after a consultation.